Monday, June 25, 2007

Way too early for my flight

Just a little angry so thought I would post a couple of items.
I am at the airport 3 hours before my flight leaves.. The SAP class was supposed to be a 2 day class but apparently to the contracted industry 4 hours equates to a full day so the class ended 4 hours early..

I am sitting here in Dallas Fort Worth I don't know where the heck Fort Worth is but it is sort of a throw in sort of like Minneapolis St.Paul even though no one actually has a destination of St. Paul we through it in for props.. (For you WHS Alum's it is sort of like Mayer what is in Mayer? for that matter what is in Watertown?..) I see all these people feverishly clacking on there CrackBerries and standing on top of each other to reach the one power outlet available to charge there little mini laptops so that they can get email and review the 25 slides they need to present on Monday. I am not sure what makes me or uncomfortable the clammering for power or the fact that these people have themselves convinced that their time is that precious that they can't waste the precious hour they have at the terminal. (Ohh great it is raining down here as hard as IJ and myself go after a bucket of popcorn.. My flight is going to get delayed..) Or maybe it is just the fact that I can't bring myself to believe that anything that I do is that important.. True True

So the big bald wonder breaks out my PSP and pod and shuts out the self indulgent conversations going around me.. Alex (he answered his cell phone next me) is arguing with the company that cuts his lawn for him. So to shut out all the inputs around me I start making a story about Alex. I think Alex should hire somebody to hug his kids and make love to his wife because he is just too busy to take the time away from his important job to do all that busy work.. I start really hating Alex just to pass the time I guess we all have hobbies..

Ohh I just ordered a margarita that is bigger than my ass.. Maybe I am not that angry anymore.. I am in the restaurant hammering the keys here people think I am doing something for an important deadline Not just creating a meaningless post on the blog that no one reads..

What is new.. Hmm A whole lotta nothing.. I have not seen anything lately in the theaters except with my kids.. Rise of the Silver surfer was a pretty good popcorn movie.. The storyline probably could have used some work my 9 year old was picking out flaws in the logic all the way home.. It got to the point where I had to pull out my line I use with IJ just enjoy the movie "we are not trying to change the world".. I think my son is smarter than me already not much of an accomplishment but I have to give him props he has the times tables down I just figured out it was a bad career move to be in IT..

I like the weight I am at right now I just don't like where it is sitting on me.. I am trying to lift weights and do sit ups and push ups in hopes that I won't look like I a saggy old man.. Wait to late.. Brings up a funny moment.. I am getting out of the shower the other day I am feeling pretty good about myself I had just finished 6 miles in the heat and I was looking pretty good for me.. My boys are waiting for something so of course they are invading my room and bathroom so I strut out the shower with my head held high but do to the run and the heat of the shower my junk is slung low.. C looks at me and yells to D hey take a look at Dad's balls they are disgusting you have old balls Dad.. I turn away only to see D coming he looks at my arse and says why is there so much hair on your butt.. I grab the towel and cover my lower half and in strolls T to feed on what is left of my self esteem he smiles and looks and me with Pity.. I love you dad no matter what you look like.. He is so smooth he will probably be yelling at his lawn guy some day..

I went to Nags North Carolina with my kids.. My kids where great.. we loved the ocean. Driving across the country on no sleep is not cool but all things considered I love my wife for tolerating me and feel lucky to have someone like her. We almost lost C in the undertow.. We told the kids they whole time that they don't need to worry about sharks.. When we reached the beach our second morning D points out a 14ft shark this is swimming in the exact area we where surfing in the day before.. All the boys looked at there Dad like he was an idiot.. Normal..

I am staying at this Hotel that is full of people just out of college full of hope and healthy.. Annoying.. It is raining I decide to get a workout at the nice facility at the hotel.. I walk in and it is like the O.C down there I am a good 15 years older than the oldest people in the room. Fffumm I am going to get my workout.. I do some sit-ups and pushups waiting for one of the Treadmills to open up.. I can't take all the stares from the people wondering (Hmm if I am really that old or if my hair fell out from Chemotherapy).. I see an opening on the stair master.. It is one of these nice ones or old ones where it is like an escalator going in reverse..I get on this baby and I decide to do work to shut out the world and to prove to myself that even though I look like shit I am at least in shape.. To make a long story short I climb this SOB for 40 minutes.. I could have watered the lawn with pools of water collecting on the machine below it got so bad that if I moved my arms the sweat would spill on the people riding bikes below. It should have been embarrassing but I could have cared less these little craps where all scoping each other out and not one of them even broke a sweat..

I am thinking of making a fake phone call to make people believe that I have something important to do.. No I need to shut this laptop down people think I am doing enough..

That is me and I am HeavyD…
Dallas Out..



Anonymous said...

Does 'blog' really stand for bald-large-old-guy?

Anonymous said...

Drawing from your earlier Dallas-Fort Worth, Watertown-Mayer examples, I still don't quite have the concept down...

For example...would Miami-Dade be like what you are trying to describe? Miami is a city, and Dade is the county Miami is located that close to what you mean? Sorry dude...I'm confused!