Tuesday, May 23, 2006

TimberWolves lottery Pick Etc..

It is late and I am not proof reading this until the morning..

I know this is pathetic but I actually watched the ESPN broadcast of the NBA draft lottery..
I am not sure what is more pathetic the show or me watching it.. (Tivo'd no less) It is like every organization says let's get the stiffest guy we have in our organization dress him up in an expensive suit and let him stare into the camera like a fat guy watching a Hardees commercial.(Did you see the new Philly Cheese Steak Burger? I digress.. ) It is simply the driest thing I have ever seen. I was embaraased for everyone including the espn host who was really trying..
Who is the Mel Kiper of the NBA anyway?

It really tells a story of where the Wolves are at when we are throwing games that people are paying to watch at the end of the season (Not Many people) So that we get x number more chances to draft another "best player available" of the 10 or so guys that should play at 2 more years of college hoops.. But instead they get 3+ million to ride the pine for 2-3 years and maybe impress the coaches in practice so that they will have a chance at playing real minutes in a game. I really think they should stay in school and make 10+ million for a university that could care less about them.. It is a tough situation but if these stiff suits are dumb to keep paying millions on a hope they will get the next KG.. (It is killing the NBA) I would take the money and get your degree later.(Yeah right) If I was 20 had millions in my pocket I would go to college.. (Wow I am bitter tonight)

After the draft
The real teams start playing hoops.. Dwayne Wade is an impressive player he is just fearless and afletic.. What the heck is wrong with SHAQ or "Bio Disel". He is just lost out there in Riley's systems or maybe it is just Wallace what an athlete ("Not a basketball player though).. (I can't stop thinking about that burger) . I am sure I will be wrong about this but I really think Flips system is not going to work in the playoffs.. They live and die by the jumper and if they aren't making they lose.. (Case in Point the Cavs taking them to game 7) I hate being a wolves fan we have not future until we got the franchise.. I like McHale as a person but in any other city he would have out on the street when he orchestrated the Joe Smith fiasco let alone the Sam Cassell for Marko Jaric and a first round draft choice.. So each year we laugh at the suits but really that is all we really have.. The Wolves have the same chance of winning an NBA title as I have of getting under two bills.


I have no specific taste in music so if you would like to throw something out there I should listen to I will give it a shot.. I still can't get enough of Dan Bern I just like listening to his lyrics that are so off the wall yet catchy.. I used to hate the Boss but I can't stop listening to his new album it just never gets old.
As I type this def leppard is on Leno help me.. (I am going to type the rest of this with one arm)
This is really inside but "I think Kid Rock is genius" Craig Trepanier Trepanier Law)

My leg still hurts pretty bad It would be nice if my legs didn't have to move my 225 pound body around.. I was dreaming 225 just looks good I am quite sure I have put on a few lbs to my svelt 270 lb frame..

The Twins won..(Cuddy might just be emerging..)

I am not sure I should keep doing this blog thing but it seems to make me less bitter so I will keep it up..

Just a Note

I am going to post some pretty heavy stuff out here about my brother Chuck.. I am not sure why I am going to do it but I think I need to just get it off my chest.. So if it bothers you or annoys you please ignore these posts.. They are for me or anybody else who has lost someone close to them and feels like me.. OK..