I have never traveled overseas and to be honest I am little worried about it. Here is my concern I speak only one language and as I have shown throughout the year I struggle with writing it. I have been given the address for my hotel and I would be lying if I said that I could pronounce it.. So if my plane is diverted and I am stuck in a country where a shrek like character is not welcome it might be a long time before I sign up to be on an international team. I really wish I could be an old guy like the one that is know going out of his way to sit by me on the bus.. Apparently I must give of this vibe to old people that I am a close minded conservative.. I can understand them thinking that I am close-minded since I look like a Cro-Magnon man but the other part is not true I am pretty liberal on some issues.. So let me set the table on this before I talk about our conversation with whom I will call Glen because I really don't know his name. As Glen squeezes into the seat next to me the smell of Ben Gay, Talcum powder, and Old spice is permeating my nostrils which is just strong enough to block the smell of Curry and Ganga from the people in front and back of my seat. Glen starts the conversation as he always does about something that would be offensive to the majority of people riding the bus.. He says did you see that gas prices have dipped below 2 dollars.. I remove my earbuds(listening to MPR) to acknowledge him just because I feel kinda sorry for the old guy.. I say yeah I am sure the oil companies will be struggling to make money now.. He laughs and says and I am thinking he follow this up with a normal conversation today that will not offend people.. He says yeah I only hope that it will bring those "Moauslims" to there knees.. I don't know if glen is hard of hearing or if I am just overly sensitive but I quickly change the topic to the pipeline now being used by the Russians in the Caspian Sea. But now every ear on the bus is pricked waiting for glen's response as I have described on the bus it is full of people from the region where most of our oil is from. Glen ignores my response and says you know there was a plan in the 70's or 80's to go into Saudi Arabia and wipe those "Moaauslims" off the Map so that we could harvest the oil our selves.. This conversation continues with me nodding and Glen describing all of the techniques we should have used to destroy the people that are sitting around us.. Thankfully it is a short ride and no weapons where drawn as Glen and I left the bus at our stop.. As we walk away actually I am walking away from him he says.."Hey the GOP convention is going to be in St. Paul.. I am really looking forward to it.." Yeah me too I say NOT.. Not to be political I will leave that to JLO but why does everything have to be so black and white with people today either you’re a Democrat or Republican.. I don't want to be grouped with Glen and I certainly don't want to be groped with Al Franken so what should I do.. Anyway..
Weight I was 232 this morning and all time low for me.. It is weird I was hitting a plateau but I started to eat just a bit more of healthy things like nuts and salads and it appears to help drop the weight.. The running is going good on the treadmill except that my Veal is not really healed If I run on an incline it cramps up like a charlie horse and I have to stop.. Frustrating but it is what it is.. When it is cold out it is tough to get the 10,000 steps in but I am still getting it done which will be even tougher in a new country.. I ran 3 days at 3 miles a day over the last 6 days as well.
We are Marshal.. I enjoyed the story they where telling.. The characters lacked depth the acting was nothing great.. I did see this with Son C which always makes it more fun for me but they messed up this could have been a great emotional movie but in the end they made you cry and I am not sure they made you cheer..
I would give it 2 baldies..
12 hours of travel should make for some angry moments..
I am still struggling with the whole life is good right now.. not sure what to do..