Friday, July 15, 2016

Trying to be positive

A quick update today.

If you have amazon prime please catch up on Mr. Robot it is a very interesting series that is well written.  The next season just started.

My mom had knee replacement surgery all went yesterday and she is well on her way to recovery. She is a tough person and will be back on her feet soon.

Hydro Flask if you don't have one please try it makes drinking beverages a pleasure.

I am on day 7 of my death march and I feel great although in a great deal of pain in every muscle group with most of it focused on my stomach.   It is pretty simple create more muscle in your body and eat the right amount of the right food and you will lose weight.

Just wondering what has made me feel better the lack of artificial sugar sweeteners gluten milk beer or what I just feel better.  Sure I get some hunger issues but not really anyway I will keep up the fight for another month or so to if I continue to feel this good.

Heavy OUT