I am not going to edit this as i don't have the time but I thought would take you along my journey from morbidly obese to just obese. I have tried to start running but my weight and age basically kill me and then I stop and try walking which keeps my heart healthy but i loose nothing. I think i am eating less but it is hard to tell as no matter what I do i continue to have something approaching fantastic b cups and my hands and feet are swollen all the time. I have given up soda I try not to drink beer but have one on occasion but still I look horrible and have nothing to wear I have 2 pants that I can wear that are basically khaki zubas.. I think if I counted I tuck my shirt in 462 times a day as my belly pushes my pants/zubaz down all day I battle it back by tucking and pulling it all day long but i usually leave what shirt tail in the front or back out no matter how hard I try. So I will blog here to hold myself accountable. It will make my followers (none) happy to laugh along but also allow me to vent as I attempt to correct my current path of destroying my health it is just dumb as my life other than this is great and I want to live longer than 3 years from now.
So here we go I am listing to FT as he is very healthy and trying this eating and workout routine in hopes to start something positive for me. I will continue to review movies now and shows that I watch. But here is the vitals sent to the world(no one)
My Current weight is 20 stones.
I hope to blog regularly with boring poorly written English.