Wednesday, February 01, 2017

211 Days in a Row

Man I am keeping this up better than I ever thought.  I just do it everyday as this is my attempt to live longer than I probably will given my current trajectory.   So my weight is still almost exactly the same but I keep going down in shirt and pant sizes.. I had a ton of fat and not much muscle that is my story anyway.  Man I have seen a ton of movies over the break with C home for the holidays and D who doesn't have a friend to go to movies with currently. Also that is the one time of my life I get to have popcorn and the sweet nectar this is Diet Coke and I love our new little theater has the recliners I absolutely love that hard to see a movie anywhere that does not have it.. I love not sitting even close to anyone and I am sure they don't like sitting by me either.

Lets see the Vikings injuries caught up with them and I just don't think they will have a competent O line for a few years so that is going to rough to overcome.  It looks like Teddy is done for a career which is just hard to see as we will never know if he could have been an elite/average player.

Ok will post more later as time permits.