I have nothing for today short of loving our current weather.. GO TWINS..
I do have some ideas for topics that I would like everyone to post one.. Don't be jackass when you read this..But If you had to rank the electronic items in your life that if they broke you need a suitable replacement within the week or the day and why.
I don't want stove,fridge,lightbulb or someother neccessity.
1. Satelite Dish/reciever for obvious reasons like prestine picture quality and the ability to watch the twins,twolves and gophers.. (TV is to obvious since everyone has at least two they can always fall back on an old one in a pinch)
1a. Tivo/DVR for me it is one of the perfect devices that entertain me yet make my family life a whole lot better.. For example on any normal weekday we are either outside or going to church or practice and we never hesitate to do anything like that because we really like a show or a game (Not the vikes I have to watch them close to live insane but all me). I have never missed an episode of the office or Lost or whatever because one of my kids wanted to play catch or read a book or whatever. Typically my wife and I do not have the TV on in our house until the kids are in bed and we have moment to relax talk about the day and enjoy some the shows we like together.. I know you have people like BS that say I don't watch that much TV.. They do watch less mostly because when they sit down at 9:30 or whatever nothing is on so they sit and flip through the dials and watch crap. 95% of my TV watching is tivoed that means I can watch 2 hours of TV in about 1:20 minutes.. So if you have a life yet want to relax for an hour or so and watch some quality programmning get a dvr or tivo.. I do have to give big props to M5/DenverJ who started this whole thing for me 7 years ago.. By the way my orginal 7 year old tivo still works flawlessly..
2. This is a tough one I am going to go with HighSpeed Internet. Since it allows me to work from home when needed and provides me phone access to my family and my entire family uses it on a daily basis.
3. Ipod A year ago I would have never guessed this.. I take it everywhere I go I am able to listen to all the music I really enjoy.. I average about 3 hours a day of listening to it.. Plus you can watch a movie or a TV show.. I can get an album the day it is released and be enjoying that evening..
4. Not sure on this one so I will go with a DVD player since I still average about a movie or year throughout..
I don't know where to stick this but I love high def sports and television the sound and clarity of the picture really add something to watching.. Gives the goods shows like lost and CSI better than DVD sound and picture quality..
I could do more but I will probably change based on other people's thoughts..
Weight 258 and holding strong no rules broken.. Walked a good 3-4 miles yesterday.. Pants hurt less but still have 75% of them that I cannot wear.. DD is turning 12.. Not joking but what a great 12 years.. I will post on this later..
Ok that's it for the early morning edition..