Tuesday, June 13, 2006

So little time so much to ramble about..

I had lunch last week with another person that I will reference with this blog.. The other names where easy and descriptive. So here is my thinking on him with hmm lets just call 7/8 no can't use that anymore, No game no can't use that anymore, I drive a BMW no that is too generic when you.. No game.. crap can't use that anymore.. How about still on the market.. No can't use that.. How about slow game.. No that has been used.. I can't use anything that he might interpret as me being jealous so he drives an M5.. Hmm that is it we now have BS,IJ,M5.. By the way M5 gave me permission to post anything I would like to post about his life.. I live vicariously through him anyway.. But that needs much more time and needs to stand on its own..

People hate my sports but I am doing it for me so ff them anyway I always cave so I will keep them to minimum..
A quick real life crappy moment..

Was at my son's baseball game last night and the three coaches have concocted the idea that at age 8 you should be specializing on positions in baseball.. They do not rotate players throughout the game.. The basically put the three coaches sons in the infield and the kids that won't complain wherever they choose.. I could really care less but baseball sucks so bad at that age I can't fathom playing outfield for 2 straight games let alone 2 straight innings.. I don't normally do this but enough is enough so I waited to talk to the coach after the game.. I waited until the game was over (yeah they won but only 3 players ever touched the baseball not good) I talked to coach all by himself.. Well as soon as I walked up to talk to him he was already taken a back I am not sure why because other than I look a little scary.. I just asked why he was not rotating all the players like the rest of the entire league.. His first answer was that he rotates them each game.. Other than that was a complete lie I said are you going to play 15 games(they are not) Then he said well half of the kids will get hurt in the infield( nice cover).. Then he said there is another team that is doing it(whatever).. I said the goal of this league is to teach the kids and enjoy the games no one is going to learn by standing in the out field for 2 straight hours
(My kid never complained by the way he just is starting to hate playing baseball) After he said the part about half the kids would get hurt and his face turning red I decided to not make a scene and said that I would hope he would consider rotating the kids more frequently.. He waited until I was walking infront of all the parents and decided to yell out that maybe I should try coaching I responded that I had coached which seemed to fire him up more since he apparently wanted to make the situation worse. I went to pack up our stuff with my wife who was contemplating how we where going to separate our assets in the divorce.. He then walks over and tells me that there is only 13 players on the team.. I said you lost me when you decided to holler out infront of all those people.. I would rather not argue with you and he walked away.. So it should be a fun year of baseball..

Gotta get back to training

heavy OUT