Thursday, July 13, 2006

Tennis Swuts

Well FT and I decided to play tennis this week since we are both in such great shape that the 90 degree should not affect us.. Well FT being from the privileged area of Minnesota I was assuming he was going to be "fabulous" tennis player if you know what I mean.. Well for some reason FT didn't own a racquet so I borrowed him an extra one.. Within the first 5 minutes of play the racquet was broken and we where off to purchase another one for himself.. So FT and I avoided his luxury late model foreign sedan and opted to drive in my car so that we wouldn't get our swuts on his seats..

Well after we had purchased the most expensive racquet that money could buy on a DINK IT salary.. (Around 50 bucks paid in 10 monthly installments) we began or "match". Well to describe what occurred on the "tennis" courts to be tennis would be a disaccredit to the sport.. After playing for 90 seconds I was swassy,swelly and had some pretty nasty swuts.. FT who apparently thinks it is appropriate to display his swelly in public took his shirt off and displayed his nauseating upper body and swipples..(but I think it allowed him to win a few games sort of the shock and awe factor) We had played just about 5 games when FT said "I know you have a lot of heart issues so if you die out here I win " I don't know why he thought since my bald egg looked very similar to an eggplant in shape and color… When all was said and done and FT was seeing double due to heat exhaustion and I was panting like I just walked a flight of stairs.. (yeah I am not in real good shape but it's steady since I am a the same level of exhaustion whether I take 1 step or run 3 miles "So I got that going for Me".. . ) The match ended and Tim decided that 15 lbs of fluid left on the court was enough for one day..

I finally watched Munich well I think everyone should attempt to watch it for some historical knowledge of an event that I had seen glimpse of but really never knew what actually occurred should see it.. The only problem was I was left with same bit of clips and bits of information to go on.. I really wanted to like this movie but if anyone besides Spielberg had done this movie it would have never made the theaters.. This wasn't good filmmaking it was as scattered brained as this blog.. They assumed way too much and never gave the viewer anything to hold on to and really feel anything about.. The facts where all over the acting was minimal and I thought the sets and dialogue where weak and added nothing to these movie.. But it is Spielberg and he is just another plane than you (Yeah not the case on this one).. Whatever this movie could have been amazing story instead of some chopped up "cinematic scenes" that where so interesting and emotional.. I am dumb but this movie was a waste of my time.. .5 baldies out of 4.. 1 dollar at redbox was about right for this movie..

DJ told me to watch the Dave Chappell show.. I watch one old and one lost episode from this season.. He is a funny guy but his humor is just a black version of "blue collar tv or whatever" it is pretty simple humor that is at time original but I just didn't laugh out load.. I will watch a few but I am still not sold on the best new comedian.. I do like his anger though..

If the nba has division for all guys under 6'4 we will be set.. I respect KG for quite a few things but I think it is pretty cool that he travels the world in the off-season instead of "Meloing" with his Boouys by the pool in latterdale.. He called Mike James from China.. I wonder if he sticks out there at all..

Hate the weight not the gain