Again I am not going to make this blog political unless I think it is funny.. But this was too good to be true.. I was telling FT and Nuclear Mark (I will introduce him at a later time) about having my son C in the tree with me this weekend hunting deer.. I might bore you with all the details as I did these two fellow idiots I work with but I will cut to the chase.. So FT being the one who always interrupts my horrible long stories with another uninteresting story.. Says hey did you read that article about the guy who was arrested for sexually assaulting a deer carcass on the side of the road. Yeah NuclearM responds with his usual pithiness and says that the point of law really comes down to temperature since the man was arguing that it was not considered a living being since it simply a dead carcass and NuclearM wants to points out that it really comes down to at what point the animal changes from living to dead is really based on the temperature at the time of consummation. If this conversation couldn't get any worse FT throws this out there.. And I am going to tell it the way I heard it because I was so shocked I can't remember how he even made this jump in the conversation.. FT says you see this is just like what Michelle Bachman and those people are fighting against same sex marriage.. "It is all about tolerating and abnormal act" I am as lost as you are all reading this.. FT has made the statement that if we tolerate same sex marriage it is the beginning of the end of morality.. That people humping dead on the side of the road will become tolerated.. People will demand that they be allowed to marry there animals (Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Sam and his horse Samson, you can now kiss the horse).. He is serious Nuclear Mark is falling out of his chair.. He screams out are you serious are you insane how can you make the leap from having sex with a dead carcass or animal (Based on Temperature) on the side of the road to the fight against homosexuals.. I normally wouldn't care but I said I think that is was also acceptable back in the days of the roman empire for the Romans to have same sex relationships.. FT fires back and says that was the fall of the Roman empire rampant homosexuality and the failure to have a unified dialect..
I still can't stop thinking about it.. I guess you had to be there but it had me gasping for air like when I climb a flight of stairs.. It reminded me of the days at WHS at the home of J's where conversations where brought up simply to incite arguments.. The only difference in this case is FT was serious.. We actually broke into the religious aspects of this argument which bores me to tears since it is all about interpretation of religious beliefs so I will keep it out of the blog..
I should just cut and paste what I have said over the last few weeks.. No Playmakers horrible offensive scheme.. They are killing my enjoyment of watching football on sundays.
Casey is not a coach.. McFail is not a GM.. KG is not a leader.. Clear it out and start fresh.. I would start going with a lineup that features more than one guy over six foot seven..
Not bad for a weekend of eating out.. Just trying to maintain over Fatsgiving..
More on this later.. Life is good for HeavyD
HeavyWII out