Thursday, October 05, 2006


MiscOk.. I am feeling positive today not sure why but I am going to attempt an all positive vibe.. Maybe it was the shows I watched last night.. If you are not a fan of lost your missing out. The High Def is outstanding the story is different.. The acting is decent for tv and once you watch it you will be hooked.. IJ said this a few posts ago but I really enjoy when a movie suprises you.. That was lucky number slevin.. It is pretty violent but it had a certain cool slickness to it all.. The dialogue was pretty witty and thd story line is pretty interesting…

New Shows
Ohh another show that I have started to really like is Heroes.. It is an intersting new story that entertains a little note of caution this is not a Kid show JLO there is a ton of violence/Blood in this show maybe that's why I like it. I am really liking the studio 60 show it is just well acted written and peformed..


Normally after the Twins lose in the playoffs or whatever I am pretty down but not this year.. These guys have been playin their guts out since June to get into the playoffs. It is a good experince for a young team and they will be better down the road.. I am not a Torii lover but people get a grip he did not cost the team that game.. The fact that they scored 4 runs in two games is the reason they are losing.. By the way much props to Boof he migh just be the real deal..

Trying to stay positive.. I think they will be 9-7 so 2-2 is doable with the teams they played.. Detroit is the first must win so we will see how they perform when they should beat a team.
The equation is simple if they run the ball and average 4-5 yds they will win this game.. I still don't think our line and back is good enough to run when team's expect it.. I hope they throw early and run once they get the backers of the line some.. The Vikes will beat detroit 24-13 it will be worse if the D gets a few breaks and gets an interception.
--------IJ PLEASE SKIP-------

On a bright note I am now 258.5 I know that looks ugly to you that are not weight challenged but it is a nice start for me.. I have not broken any rulest to this point. So a guy that I work with says we should do a BMI contest to see how low we can get our BMI well lets just say that I have to lose forty lbs just to be considered on my deathbed.. I am going out for a walk (waddle).. Don't you just love fall.

Great Pizza
I know this is really shouldn't follow my weight post but if you have not tried
Red Savoy Pizza
in st. paul it is amazing.. i could eat all I wanted yesterday for free but I had one piece.. Again I am trying to eat what normal people would eat.

That's I am out


Anonymous said...

Only one piece of Savoy's pizza - you must be nuts! #1 pizza in town.

Good take on Torii. The fact that we are 0-14 with runners in scoring position (aren't smellin' them) is the reason we are down 0-2. Not many people are saying...but Gardy's playoff record is reaching Denny's level...

Hopefully, Vikes get the O going this week. Detroit gave up a ton of points and yards vs St. Louis last week.

Anonymous said...

Twins will pull a Wild, and lose the first few just to come back and win several straight to make things interesting.

Vikes are in deep doo-doo with all their injuries...if nothing else, Longwell needs to be out there on Sunday.

Never had the Savoy, but Monday it's back to oatmeal and the wife's minestrone anyway, so no joy in Mudville for JLO.

I love the idea of the BMI/weightloss long as D doesn't cheat and make up numbers...just sayin'

My son has scared away one of our babysitters...was hoping to use her for the Huskies opener this weekend, but now I'm looking for her legos this weekend for JLO Jr.

Glad to hear your coming out of your funk, should enjoy the, hunting, hoagies (though I'd throw that one in there...hoagies are good year-round), sweater vests, kids in school...divorce season is on the wain for the next six months, so lookout FDCPA violators, you got JLO for the next six months...



DenverJ said...

What is with the new look?

LOST was pretty good last night. I am liking Studio 60 as well, although with the low ratings it is getting, it probably won't be around for long.

I am sick of all the Torii bashing, without his hitting in the last month, we wouldn't have been in the playoffs. Sure, he made a mistake, but the reason the Twins lost those games is because they are not hitting at all.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am not a sophisticated tv watcher like you , but I really like Jericho as far as new shows go.

Weight - It must be fate, because on Monday I weighed myself and realized i've hit my max, 210 lbs. So I to have my a promise to myself to loose 20 or so. I have found looking at the models in the LL Bean inspiring (don't judge me) that is what pants are supposed to look like on someone without a huge ass and creamy thighs (that's for you heavy).

Twins - I'm with you, there just having a bad series in my opinion. I just hope that Detroit doesn't do well than winning the division seems justified.

Anonymous said...


Jericho is one of the best new shows on t.v....or at least the plot with the most potential. Although I find it odd that in the bible belt of Kansas, right after nukes have just taken out a good portion of our country, that their hasn't been so much as a reference to God, or faith, or the Church, or prayer...

Post 911 you couldn't throw a dead cat without hitting someone beat'n cheeks to the nearest church. Apparently "Jericho" is the one wet town in Kansas without a church on every city block. You also have to wonder why satellite phones and radio would have been knocked out like the landlines and cell service. And no one in town is a short-wave radio buff?

Few holes in the plot, but still a good new show...