Hot Weekend
Yeah it was pretty hot this weekend.. (It is July.. ) Well our hamlet has decided to carry on the tradition of torturing the few un athletic teenagers from the surroungind communites by dressing them up in Nut Cracker uniforms and having them hold a hot piece of metal in 90 degree heat. While my wife carried on the traditon of dragging me to this ordeal every year.. I go know without a wimper.. Yet another step closer to being a complete Eunuch… (Please water the plant you would have to read this everday to get that one..) So as I sat there for the better part of 5 hours in the hot sun watching politicians stick stickers on my children and trying to figure out why it is ok for my wife to now cheer for my kids when they pick up hot tootsie rolls as they slide across the pavement that two minutes early where covered in Horse shit from the float ahead carrying the "big girls" from the farm community has chosen to honor there town by dressing them up in red nylon dresses and plunking them down on a plastic waterfall and have the people in the crowd pretend to smile as the sweat pools under there arms approach the size of a frisbee are pulled by clydesdales with legs slightly larger than Miss congenitality.. Just Stop it .. As I watch the third band go by I notice that when the flag people (What the heck are they people that just like spin flags what they can't play an instrument but they can spin a rainbow flag in a perfect arc..If my kids do that am I supposed to watch it..) go by one of them is a slightly overweight guy dressed in the same frilly jump suit as the girl flag twirlerers. I could care less if he is straight or not but I just can't get over where he could get this jump suit.. Mom can you sow up this pink and lavender jumpsuit up for me so I look like the other girls in the group… So I laughed and was given the dirty look by my wife) Cut to construction site : So Jim whats junior up to now he is pretty good sized kid is he playing football or hoops.. No. he decided to dress up in a polyester pink and lavender jump suit(with racing stripes) and carry a silver flag and wave it a perfect circular patterns in front of old people and kids chewing fece laden tootsie rolls. Ohh I bet your proud.. Life is cruel..
M5 IJ Boat
M5 was nice enough to give IJ his wife and my Wife a day on the St. Croix river.. It couldn't have been better other than I was short of new castles.. Didn't calculate bottles per lb correctly.. As we rode M5 30 ft phallic symbol down the river I couldn't help my self and I asked M5 if we could toss Heavy over board and pull him around the water in a small fatilla.. I was just thinking that I haven't been this comfortable in a long time when M5 decided he wanted to enjoy the fatilla as well and wreck my ride.. Well about 5 minutes of pulling M5 and myself through the water the little fatilla shattered due to M5's weight it couldn't have been me.. I will post some pictures while trying to spare any of you seeing me with my shirt off..
You Me and Dupree
It is what it is.. Kinda of cool premise but there was no chemistry between the characters.. Owen Wilson (The one with a Johnson for a nose) was pretty funny but he didn't have anybody to bounce the humor in like wedding crashers.. I will give this one baldy out of four and really should just be a rental..
A friend of mine sent me this.. Pretty well done review site..
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