Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Running on the Rhine

Another post from Germany( I can't sleep) . What is new heavy? Are you angry about anything? Today I am feeling very reflective.. I am not sure if that is an appropriate use of the word and nor do I care.. So let's just reflect back a few years. My wife was 8 months pregnant with my third child, I had just been let go from my old job that left me scrambling for a job that would cover my medical expenses, never mind that this job was supposed to be the job that freed me from being a cubicle rat for the rest of my life.

I found a job working at a nuclear plant. (Insert your own Homer Simpson joke here) There was no place for the contractor sit so I was stuffed into the computer room of the plant. The room was poorly lit and littered with Circa 1970's servers seriously you can't make this up.. I was seated with my back to the servers which kept the room at a balmy 90 degrees. The fan noise in the room prevented any meaningful phone conversation. I had been hollered at by a man that looked like his face was made of playdoh that I was not to drink diet coke in the computer room. The depression/funk that I was in could not be described.. I ran to the only thing that could make this better.. Like an angel (another contractor was hired to help me with the horridly tedious task that I was assigned) when he entered the room it was like a fluorescent eclipse all the light was blocked from my eyes.. This young guy was about 6'6 with a 13 lb shadow.. As all men of that ilk he introduced himself to me when I as talking my caffeine break..(you can't make this up.. it was like a smoke break only it was a liquid drug break.) As he was draining his liter bottle of Mountain Dew and I was attempting to inject the diet coke into my arm. He looked at my 10lb shadow and said "have you found a good place to eat around here".. He knew the answer but out of respect you just don't look at a fat guy and say "Boy I bet you know where to eat.." (Quick travel hint: If you are confused or in foreign territory follow a big man he will guide you to a good meal) Well anyway as I wiped the tears from eyes, "I said I have heard that the Casino has a pretty good buffet" (I knew the entire staff) . He an I became fast friends and my weight approached a level that I really never thought I could achieve.

It has taken me nearly 6 years to recover from that situation. Yesterday I walked home from a long day of working at this office overlooking the city of Dusseldorf, the weather was a perfect 70 degrees.. I went up to my room at the Hilton relaxed for a few minutes on the most comfortable bed and comforter I have ever been exposed to. I then slipped on my running gear and pod.. I ran(waddled) through the city streets before arriving at this beautiful park along the Rhine river. The park extends for miles along the river.. They have these running/biking paths that are lined with flowering trees.. It was by far the most enjoyable run I have ever had.. I can't believe how great I felt as I was passing the kids in strollers and couples enjoying the gorgeous evening.. I did manage to stumble in front of college age kids who got a good chuckle watching me trying to catch my balance and support my huge bald cranium. I am still probably going to be a cube rat for the rest of my career but at least now I can drink coke light at my desk and I can see daylight from my desk and I have managed to work my weight down to a 7 lb shadow. I hope I never have to go through that again but I guess it makes where I am now feel so much better.. The big heavy is actually feeling happy and I think I could get use to it..

Ij recommended that I read the "The Road".. I guess my review is simple I picked up the book and in one flight I finished the book and I can't stop thinking about it.. It is this horribly depressing story about a father and son trying to survive in a situation that is described in a detail and style that is so beautifully told that you wish it wasn't describing the horrific situation that they where in. The relationship between the two of them is so gripping and warm that it will make you cherish ever minute you have with your own kids.. Anyway this book is difficult to recommend since it is just so depressing.. I will give this the highest rating I have since I don't think I will come across another book like this again. 4 out of 4 baldies.. Just don't expect this to be a nice happy easy read..

I loved the draft but I am not sure you wanted to here another draft grade from me but if you do holler and I will post my thoughts..

My head is bald the beer is cold

HeavyD Out..


Anonymous said...

Heavy, I would like to know what you thought of the guys the Vikes drafted. Although Peterson was the BPA, didn't Chester Taylor have a pretty good year on a pretty bad team last year? I am not sold on Travaris Jackson as a starting QB in the NFL...

Anonymous said...

"The Road" is phenomenal. Beautiful and brutal at the same time.

You did forget to mention it is an "Oprah" book (but it did also win the Pulitzer Prize).

On my rating scale, it acheived 4 out 4 UFGs (Underachieving Fat Guys). This is my rating scale since I can't quite claim baldy status yet.

I am jealous on the Germany thing. Sounds like a great experience. Tell us more about the food and drink! Do you have any photos from there?

Yes, let's hear your Vikings draft rankings. You think they did the right thing in using the 7th pick to take running back with a shattered collar bone?

Moss gets traded for nothing? We could have used him back here.

I see the Vikes are signing former track high jumpers as receivers, so I thought JLO might have shot at wearing the purple and gold next season, and I am betting that Schpeedy could still run the perfect routes and catch anything thrown to him.

I got nothing...

Anonymous said...

Not much hope me making the Vikes roster until I'm re-incarnated as a 6'5" Samoan, or some such thing...

You know you're old and out of shape when you play catch with your son for FIVE minutes, and your groin starts to hurt so bad from BENDING OVER to pick up the ball, that you start thinking about getting a life alert bracelet...or calling in sick to work...or throwing on a pair of depends...

Still though, if the Aitkin GW softball tournament is any testament to an old man's abilities, I think I might have one good NFL play in me...then, obviously, I'm just a greasier than average stain on the Metrodome fake grass...

D, I agree with IJ...more Germany stuff...certainly beats my shit-hole existence refereeing the latest Jerry Springer style "skank-off" that I get to enjoy every day in my lovely office...

What's the deal with GW...planning summit completed and not so much as a "Hey JLO, this year the guys are gonna xxxxxx." Still think we should do Vegas...$300 bucks a man for airfare and room for three nights/four days...can anyone say "Jimmy"?

What's the 1MC on Trappy's mansion? Is Frenchy coming this year? Howie seems to think we're headed to TL again this year...let me know...

Holla' back, yo!