Magic will go down in NBA history as one of those players that when he steps on the court he makes everybody else a better basketball player. He could play all positions effectively and did all the things need in each position to allow his teammates to play better basketball. Him and I are very similar but in just different respects.. First of all we both like the big stages to showcase our games.. Magic played huge in the NBA finals in Boston and Los Angels against the best of the best opponents.. I like to showcase my mad skillz at the Stillwater middle school in front of some of the best players that where really good high school players 10 to 30 years ago.. Like Magic making his teammates play better I make my teammates feel better.. I play all positions poorly but consistently which allow all my teammates at there respective positions feel better knowing that they are much better than me.. Magic handled the ball with unbelievable skill for man of his size.. I handle the ball like a fat kid trying to catch the greased pig at the county fair.. What a minute maybe I am the pig and the ball is the… His clutch shooting allowed his team win the big games.. I can't make shots when shooting for teams so that makes those teams better.. Magic was a pass first point guard.. I am pass to anyone before I turn the ball over forward.. So all that being said would you want to play for a guy who makes you a better basketball player or would you want to play for a guy that makes you feel like you’re a better player.. FT walked off the court last night after player a full night with the Heavy Wonder and thought he was combination between the Hakeem the Dream and Charles Barkley..
Enough about me..
There is plenty of me but I am sick of looking at me or worse yet talking about me.. Wow M5 did you see the picture that I sent you from BS had of the friends kids or cousin or whatever that destroyed his M5.. It was amazing the amount of damage that was done but the guy ended up with a sore wrist or something.. Now I don't feel bad for going 120 in it..
There is no way you can be busy right now (x number of kids under 3).. Get your blog up to date the Fall season is starting and I need some items to add to my season pass.
Has anyone seen BS lately he challenged some people at work to lose weight.. Well you know how when some people look good when they take off a few lbs..(Speaking of which I need to take a..) well BS looks worse.. I know you are a runner but there is no need to look an Ethiopian..
I think FT is taking a new direction in weight gain that is really revolutionary he is working out more and eating less but is actually getting heavier.. It is phenomenon that I have used for many years.. Muscle weighs more than fat.. "So I am gaining muscle right now" The end result still is you look fat.. So he has that going for him.
When are you going to dust of the jordans and join the Stillwater hoops crew.? I will make you feel better(see above)
Do you think an invasion of France is imminent.. Sort of like me getting a bagel this morning.. Hey who invented the bagel.. It wasn't the French was it..
Staying Introverted so you have nothing to add sort of pithy comments in response to the great JLO's posts..
I thought a farmer was taking his combine off the field last night when I saw the large object and the slow moving sign reflection in my headlights last night but it was $1.25 waddling along the road.. I think it is a good idea that they imbed that sign in the back of the big and tall man pants pockets.. It is all about saving lives and boy when you have a wide load like that people need to know when to swing wide around the big man walking..
Wow I am little rough today.. But I am hungry for some good comments..
Big Bald Old
New blog:
Coaching 5th grade football right now. After school starts, Wed nights might be open because we cut back on practices. Give me a call. Will give you a few pointers on your jump (well, probably set) shot.
I have seen Magic Johnson play basketball - your are no Magic Johnson. You might be more like the Ervin Johnson that played for the Tpups.
I have never looked good. And I comfortable knowing that no matter what I do I will never look good.
I will strap on the feed bag at Old World Pizza in IGH. Best pizza in the Twin Cities (not including Cosetta's). Give it a try. Great lunch buffet everyday of the week.
When are we playing tennis?
It was a scary evening strolling down the road. Judging by the oncoming lights some weird farm implement coming towards me.
As the implement got closer a realized it was a car with a struggling suspension.
On one side the light was very low, like there was some unusual force pushing down from the drivers side of the vehicle.
I could hear the engine strain as if pulling a 5 bottom plow.
The window then rolled down and a sort of funk came from the inside.
Well you know the rest.
You had me scared there for a moment; infact I had to skip down the length of your article to find out whether you were limiting your similarities to basketball, or might you now believe yourself to be a black professional athelete with HIV issues. Thank goodness you're just an aspiring hoopster.
So tell me, if you could do it all over again, knowing what you know now, would you still wrestle, or would you have played H.S. hoops? I think I might have tried to play hockey somewhere...probably (o.k. certainly) would have sucked, but whatever...
Family's sucks (only man now in an office of ten employees)...parents cruising in Alaska this week...
What's the word on the happy nuptials? Is PD doing o.k.? Holler back, yo!!
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