Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Post for JLO just because I enjoy his Comments

I love your comments and have passed them on to my co workers.. Being the wonderful parent that I am I try to evaluate a movie that I believe is borderline PG13(hence the rating) before I send my kids to that movie. That being said when IJ and myself attend a movie perhaps it is the lack of children and the abundance of Diet Coke and Pop Corn that makes the movie not only tolerable but a fun ride. Based on your recommendation I am going to see that movie.. But if it is a simplistic stab at Bush and his policies.. I am soo bored with that.. I really enjoy opinions that are not blindly put out there with a political agenda.. But If people quote FOX news or Rush I am probably going to disagree simply on what you term as a basis of fact.. I know you are closet Wellstoner and probably siding with the creator of the internet.. But there is no way that a Democrat or Republican is going to get my vote unless they bring something to the table other than the simplistic party lines that the Democratic party has put out there since Clinton.. The only reason people are voting for Republicans other than being simple are that the single issue voters (Bible Belt) will not vote for any leader based on those issues..

Ish no more politics in this blog just had to respond to JLO..

If JLO will let me I will do a brief welcome to the blog on JLO... And being the Alpha of all Alpha males for guys weekend I could dedicate a week of introducing all of the guys from guys weekend on the blog before guys weekend.. No Names will be usede except maybe HOW..

JLO you have the CON.. Can I or should I..

JLO being the porcine man that I am I believe I can still be titled heavyd..

PorcineD out..


Anonymous said...

nish nish

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew what nish nish meant.

Anonymous said...


Will Foye be league MVP? Apparently he turned heads in Vegas.

Will you be heading to Vikings training camp with the rest of the MN rubes?

Will they name the new Twins stadium "Mauer Field" or "Liriano Park"?

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous,

Politics=bad=anonymous-onymo=YOU!! If you knew me you'd understand that like Heavy, I'm an amply proportioned man with issues! I'm trapped in a world of aggressive lefties and righties at work, and no real interest in politics other than the a tasty shot of Anne-thrax Coulter choking up hairballs on Hannity and Colmes three times a week and twice on Sundays. I'm down with you brother on the Vikes gab and would even get into a bit of MN Wild chat if you've got the ankles and the missing teeth, but don't be dissin' my boy Joe...dat boy got bat speed, yo...you needs to understand a bit mo 'bout the game before yall go all up in there...Like my younger-smarter bro IJ often says..."Baseball is like church...many attend...but very few understand"...

Peace and Regards,

JLO T off to da NHC...

Anonymous said...

Yo Heavy,

Introduce away...I'm sure all the boy would appreciate the press...need to work on the OPSEC though: Jon?


Anonymous said...

That would be the OPSEC on the 1MC.....

Anonymous said...

There you go Birdy-Ed...Guard the gate for your sensitive friend...then light the fire 'neath the pot and watch it boil...classic PA Grey-Back behavior..I think ye needs to change your top-secret, code-word level blogger ID to "PseudoIJ".

Love always...